A stinging message (16 March)

Our Gospel today (Luke 13: 31-35) is only a few verses with a stinging message from Jesus. He weeps over Jerusalem, the city that will not heed his message. This sad situation can probably be applied to us as well. We do not consistently work towards the Kingdom of God. Before us is a world riven with failings and corruption. The subtle message of the Gospel is that God’s love and blessing underpin all aspects of creation. We just need to open our eyes to see it and connect with it. I will explore this idea in my sermon.

I wonder how your first full week of Lent has gone. Have you thought further about trying to be more with less? Two discussion groups are under way. One is online on Tuesday evening at 7.30 pm (contact me for the link) and the other is face to face at St James after the 10.30 Eucharist on Thursday. This time of sharing isn’t meant to be onerous. So, no distress if you don’t manage to finish the week’s reading. When we come together we have an opportunity to open to God prompted by a different perspective. Rev Sam Wells says rather than us reading the bible, we are considering how the bible reads us. Different!

Love and blessings,
