Doing more with less (9 March)

Here we are launched into another month and in the season of Lent. I have spent a lot of time this week reviewing ways that people engage with this time of preparation for Easter. I think back to the Godly Play story that explains that this time of preparation takes six weeks because Easter is such a great mystery. Six weeks is certainly enough time to find out new things about ourselves. One of the themes in my sermon this week will be doing more with less.

We anticipated Ash Wednesday by meeting at St James on Shrove Tuesday. Twenty people attended, and I am grateful for all who helped out. We live in topsy-turvy times and the opportunity to meet together and enjoy each other’s company created a sense of solidarity and joy.

I await the delivery of the Lenten Study book. I will email or call you to let you know when they arrive. The online group will meet on Tuesdays at 7:00 PM. (Details of the link will follow.) The Thursday face to face group will meet at St James at 11:30 AM after the Eucharist.

I wish you love and blessings as we begin the adventure that is Lent.
