Farewell to Epiphanytide (Candlemas, 2 February)

This week’s celebration of Candlemas marks the end of the Epiphanytide that bridges Christmas and Ordinary Time. In truth, I feel sadness at letting go of the beauty and joy that accompanies this early part of the year. Our nativity scenes in church have been packed away.

I was a Godly Play teacher for many years and the nativity has a permanent place in the Godly Play room. The story that accompanies the setting is called The Holy Family. Once the children have heard the story, they are free to play or work with the nativity setting whenever they like. Because of what Godly Play has taught me, I have a Nativity Setting on display at home all year round. It is a wonderful reminder that this story of God’s love is for us at all times.

Last week’s gospel had a profound impact on me because I found myself thinking on a cosmic scale about God’s intervention in the world. This week’s gospel (Luke 2: 22–4) continues that theme. The light of the world has come, and we are invited to embrace this truth and to relish its reality. Last week I talked about our journey accompanied by the Holy Spirit. Herein lies our joy, and our hope.

The diocese is focusing a path to growth for this year called Hope 2025. I will use some of its resources in upcoming Lenten studies. I hope that you will give some serious thought to setting aside time for joining a group either in person or online.

With love and blessings,
