Following Jesus (9 February)
Jesus demonstrates a process approach to faith. We are encouraged to listen for his voice and act on it. ‘Go out to the deep and put down your nets’ is Jesus’ instruction. Now the fishermen have already been at their task without success. They achieve a remarkable catch when Jesus intervenes. In response to Peter’s protest that he is ‘a sinful man’ Jesus offers words of calm and redirection: ‘Do not be afraid from now on you will catch men.’
What do we draw from this vignette? Where God is at work, the world changes. Our calling is to listen to the voice of the Trinity. It may come in the form of information or teaching. It may come via the bible or methodologies that guide our thinking. It may come via experience at prayer or meditation. Whatever the form of interaction, Jesus’ process message is for us. I paraphrase: Try again, do not be afraid.
Before too long we will be in Lent, a time to reflect on our faith. This year the diocese is offering a program called Hope 25. I hope and pray that many of you will commit to spending some time with me and this material as we reflect on what might happen if we put down our nets while listening to Jesus’ voice.