Take care! (2 March)
Dear Friends,
This week’s gospel has a deceptively simple message that we can paraphrase: take care of who you follow! It is interesting that that the phrase ‘Take care’ has become a prosodic feature of our social interaction. It’s a kind of social lubricant. People use it constantly as a way to end a conversation. However, these words hold a deeper meaning for us. They are embedded in our gospel along with fast-moving images to make the point that we should build strong foundations for life based in relationship with God. Given the state of our world, such encouragement is timely!
I hope many of you will join us on Shrove Tuesday for pancakes at St James at 7.30. A lovely occasion for fellowship.
I hope you have been giving some consideration to reading the book I have chosen for Lent, The Heart of It All by Sam Wells. There is a sign-up sheet at the back of the churches. The parish will subsidise the cost of this book, only $15.00 for parishioners. Others are welcome to join us – contact me for further details.
Love and blessings,