The Beatitudes (16 February)
This week we revisit the Beatitudes. I wonder what sort of relationship you have with these statements of faith. The Beatitudes could be used as a justification of suffering. Such an approach encourages a life focused on eternity. Current hardships will be rewarded in heaven. We should take careful heed of Jesus’ teaching, but I wonder if we should not look to more of a nuanced understanding of hardship. I am never comfortable with dogmatic statements that demand unthinking compliance. That mental approach to faith seems to me to over-simplify life. God does not require us to leave our capacity for discernment at the church door. Our attitude to suffering needs to be set against the backdrop of our striving to create the Kingdom of Heaven here and now. The complexities of the contemporary world and our knowledge of psychology and wellbeing must play a role. This prayer sums up our need:
Good and gracious God
Grant to our eyes wide horizons
Increase our vision to see
Beyond the obvious and into the depths
Let us walk ways that are new
Where we do not know the destination
Let us journey in joy and hope
Among so many dangers and troubles and dangers
Surround us with your protection and peace
May we know that heaven and earth are one
That nothing separates us from you
And your abiding love in Christ Jesus.
––David Adam, from the book Island of Light
Love and blessings,