Turning pink (15 December)

This week our Advent candle is pink, a less sombre colour than the seasonal violet. So some churches will use pink vestments. The penitential theme of our readings has shifted and there is a more joyful tone to lighten the mood. This half-way point in the Advent season is a wonderful time to pause and ask the question posed by a Godly Play story that I used as a School Chaplain. The rhetorical question was: How will we know the way to Bethlehem? The answer: Follow Mary and Joseph! What sound advice this is. They found themselves undertaking a journey in response to government decree. What a strain that must have been, given the state of Mary’s pregnancy, but they set out on their travel with uncertain features. Would they find lodging? We know what befell them on arrival in Bethlehem. How did they cope in that stable? I marvel at their intrepid faith. Both of them had said ‘yes’ to being part of God’s plan of salvation. This is really an issue for us to ponder as well. Can we remain faithful to God and say ‘yes’, even when the path seems anything but straightforward?

During these busy weeks of preparation, I don’t seem to be accomplishing all I wish to. However, some Parish Councillors did manage to meet last weekend to think about possible future directions for South Darebin. As a result I have put together a survey to gather information about your interests and appetites. Would you take one home and give the questions some thought, please? Your responses will help us to plan a calendar of events.

I wish you well as we move into the joyous season of carol singing, starting next Thursday at Hilltop. I know you join with me in continuing prayer for Canon Christopher’s healing.

Grace and peace,
