Services in Advent

Advent is a wonderful season of quiet and contemplative waiting – in readiness for the coming of Jesus. Each of the services below is followed by a cup of tea or coffee and some refreshment shared among friends.

15 December Third Sunday of Advent
9.15 am Sung Eucharist at St James, Thornbury
11.00 am Sung Eucharist at All Saints, Northcote

19 December Thursday Weekday Eucharist
10.30 am at St James, Thornbury

22 December Fourth Sunday of Advent
9.15 am Sung Eucharist at St James, Thornbury
11.00 am Sung Eucharist at All Saints, Northcote

Christmas Services

22 December Nine Lessons and Carols
7:00 pm All Saints, Northcote
A service combining short scripture readings and carols

24 December Carols on Christmas Eve
6:00 pm Carols at All Saints, Northcote
A child-friendly service

11:00 pm Midnight Mass, St James, Thornbury
Carols and music from 10:30 pm

25 December Christmas Day
9:30 am Sung Eucharist at All Saints, Northcote